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We're Quartz Revolution, it's a pleasure to meet you!

L e t   u s   t e l l   y o u   a   l i t t l e   b i t   a b o u t   o u r s e l v e s 

Two of our founders run a family jewelry business that has been around for over 115 years (aka they've seen it all). The third founder is a certified watchmaker who saw a need for watch enthusiasts that was not being fulfilled.

This led us to becoming a watch repair service dedicated to providing a convenient, trustworthy and quality experience for our customers by delivering to your door.

O u r   t e a m   o f   w a t c h m a k e r s   a r e   b o t h   C W 2 1   a n d   S A W T A   c e r t i f i e d

and have 10 years and counting of hands - on experience

CW21 = Certified by the American Watchmakers - Clockmakers Institute

SAWTA = Swiss American Watchmakers Training Alliance

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Quartz Revolution

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